As the world changes, so do eating habits and customs. More and more people are choosing to reduce their meat intake, give up dairy or switch completely to a plant-based diet. To meet the needs of their customers, companies must adapt to the rapid changes in culture and lifestyle; paying particular attention to ideological, social and environmental issues.
We created Vegan Stock to support european manufacturers and wholesalers by providing unique ingredients of exclusively plant-based origin.
We keep up to date with trends in the industry. We are committed to providing new products, ingredients and technological solutions that meet our customers’ expectations while complying with current legislation. We provide a full high-quality service, both in the product development stage and after launch.
At Vegan Stock we believe that the future is plant- based. Our aim is to help create valuable, innovative and tasty products that are friendly to all species and to our shared planet.
We draw from nature in line with our values.
We work to ensure that every product has a 100% plant-based alternative.
We are happy that we are creating a better future.
2.1. The principles of ethical conduct set out in this Code apply both to internal relations in our company, in particular between employees, associates and the management of the Company, as well as external relations with our customers, suppliers, local communities and the environment.
2.2. We accept and abide by all the rules of conduct and ethical standards set forth in similar documents prepared by our business partners, as long as they do not conflict with our values and principles set out in this Code.
3.1. Vegan Stock complies with applicable legal regulations as well as standards and norms derived from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the UN Global Compact.
3.2. We do not accept and oppose all forms of discrimination, including discrimination due to gender, sexual orientation, language, worldview, religion or belief, political beliefs, nationality, ethnic origin, age, genetic features, physical fitness and health condition, economic status or belonging to specific social groups.
4.1. Vegan Stock demands respect for the International Labor Organization’s Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work (1998).
4.2. Everyone has the right to a freely chosen job. We do not accept any form of slave or forced (compulsory) labor. Performing work, determining the terms of its performance and remuneration, regardless of the legal basis, requires an agreement between the employer and the employee.
4.3. The employer is obliged to respect the dignity and other personal rights of the employee. Employees have equal rights to fulfill the same duties in the same way. Any discrimination in employment, direct or indirect, in particular due to gender, age, disability, race, religion, nationality, political beliefs, trade union membership, ethnic origin, religion, sexual orientation, employment for a fixed or indefinite period, full employment or part-time – is unacceptable.
4.4. Work should be performed in an atmosphere of tolerance, mutual respect and empathy. Any forms of harassment and mobbing are unacceptable. We expect all employees to support integration in the workplace by treating others with respect, reporting inappropriate behavior, in particular discrimination, harassment or mobbing, promoting teamwork, being open to other people’s perspectives and experiences, avoiding prejudices and statements that may be perceived as offensive, harmful or undesirable.
4.5. The employee has the right to fair remuneration for work, taking into account market conditions and labor law provisions, in particular regarding the determination of the minimum remuneration for work.
4.6. Employees must not be younger than the minimum legal age for work or the age at which compulsory education ends. In any case, work by adolescents under the age of 15 is forbidden. It is forbidden to employ young people in work deemed dangerous or harmful to their psychophysical development.
4.7. The employee has the right to vacation and rest on the terms specified by applicable law and the terms of the contract. Employers are obliged to respect the applicable working time standards.
4.8. The employer will assure safe and hygienic working conditions for employees. While remaining responsible for the life and health of colleagues, everyone should contribute to the creation of a safe working environment on a daily basis and the prevention of accidents.
4.9. The employer, according to the specific circumstances and opportunities, also strive to meet the living, social and cultural needs of employees.
4.10. The employer will help employees improve their professional qualifications.
4.11. Employees, in order to represent and defend their rights and interests, have the right to create organizations and join these organizations on the terms specified by applicable law. Employees may participate in the management of the workplace to the extent and on the terms set out in applicable law.
5.1. Vegan Stock opposes any unlawful interference with the sphere of private, family, home, correspondence and activities that violate the honor, good name or reputation of individuals, groups and communities. We believe in the autonomy of the individual in relation to the state and public authorities, the employer and the social environment. Taking into account the legal and social obligations arising from local traditions and cultures, we want to contribute to ensuring the freedom of shaping personal life and the protection of the personal sphere free from external interference.
5.2. The processing of personal data will be carried out in accordance with the law, in a fair and transparent manner, limiting the purpose of data processing, minimizing and limiting the time of data storage, ensuring protection, integrity and confidentiality of data as well as accountability of processes related to the processing.
6.1. We require taking active steps to identify and prevent real or potential conflicts of interest understood as situations in which property or non-property interests, personal, family or resulting from belonging to various groups and communities may conflict or intertwine and remain inconsistent with business interests and professional goals. A person who identifies or suspects a conflict of interest is obliged to immediately report the case to his superiors, record information about relevant circumstances and request exclusion from making decisions on the case.
6.2. All business decisions are made disinterestedly and impartially, based on clear, adequate, objective and measurable criteria pursuant to available information collected with due diligence. It is unacceptable to accept or demand (directly or through intermediaries) any material or personal benefit or its promise in exchange for abuse of powers or failure to fulfill obligations, in particular which may cause damage, constitute an act of unfair competition or an unacceptable preferential act, as well as which may breach the principle of objectivity, disinterestedness or impartiality in making business decisions.
6.3. Any attempts to give or promise to provide any material or personal benefits should be immediately reported to superiors and recording information about important circumstances.
7.1. We are convinced that free and fair competition is the foundation of a market economy and the welfare of free societies. Any activities bearing the features of unfair competition are unacceptable. Every day we express respect for the work of our competitors – we learn and improve by thoroughly analyzing the successes and mistakes of our business rivals.
7.2. By informing about our activities and promoting the offered products, we retain full responsibility for the messages sent to the consumer. The consumer has the right to reliable, clear and unambiguous information about the origin, composition and all other characteristics of products that are relevant to the interests and choices of consumers. Product designations and marketing communication must under no circumstances be misleading and must first and foremost serve the interests of consumers.
7.3. High quality food, health, diet and lifestyle positively influencing the psychophysical well-being of a person living in harmony with nature are the main values of Vegan Stock. Vegan Stock actively and regularly participates in the certification and audit processes of the entire supply chain and monitors the situation on an ongoing basis to ensure compliance, safety and high quality of the offered products.
8.1. Intellectual property is the basis of modern business. Vegan Stock always respects copyrights and related rights, industrial property rights, database rights and other exclusive rights to intellectual property, as well as rights resulting from the possession of know-how and trade secrets – resulting pursuant to national law, European Union law and international standards. We expect that our business partners will also respect our own intellectual property rights in the same manner.
8.2. Pursuant to the provisions of law and confidentiality agreements, Vegan Stock ensures respect and protection of legal, financial, commercial, technical or other information of economic value provided by business partners, which is non-public, proprietary or confidential (confidential information). business secrets, trade secrets, undisclosed know-how) against unlawful acquisition, use and disclosure.
9.1. We are convinced that sustainable development is an achievable goal. Vegan Stock consciously strives to reduce the negative impact of economic activity on the environment, in particular in the field of waste prevention, effective and economical use of natural resources, rational use of energy, reduction of the amount of waste generated and comprehensive support for recycling processes, obtaining raw materials and products only from ethical sources and crops grown with respect for the natural environment (responsible agriculture), emission reduction, protection of air, water and soil.
9.2. Vegan Stock believes in dialogue and building positive relationships with local communities in order to achieve common goals and implement shared values, including building a sustainable society that uses responsible planetary resources.
10.1. The implementation of the principles and objectives of this Code is our priority, therefore Vegan Stock kindly and with full attention accepts all comments and reports regarding any detected incompliance and provides protection to every person who decides to report such irregularities under the applicable law.
10.2. Any comments regarding non-compliance should be directed, in the case of employees, to their immediate supervisor, who forwards them to the management board, and if the irregularities concern the immediate supervisor, they should be reported directly to the management board of Vegan Stock. In the case of business partners and other stakeholders, any comments should be reported to the Vegan Stock management for immediate consideration. Vegan Stock will not fail to investigate or leave any substantively justified application unanswered.
10.3. We reserve the right to terminate cooperation with any person and entity that, despite the corrective measures taken, still materially violates the principles, values and goals set out in this Code.
The best for you
Reach us out
Vegan Stock sp. z o.o.
6, Józefa Marcika Str,
30-443 Kraków, Poland
Tax ID No. PL7352876025